The Conference Bridge panel displays a list of all currently configured Conference Bridges. Each Conference Bridge will list the Conference Room number and the current status of the Conference room. The Conference Room status will reflect either "Empty" or "Active".
1. Empty - appears next to a conference room that has no active participants.
2. Active - appears next to a conference room that has one or more active participants.
An active conference room will display an "expand/collapse" icon to the right of the display status. Clicking the "expand/collapse" icon for a conference room, displays a list of callers in the conference room. Each caller listed in the conference room will display the following information:
1. Disconnect "remove user" Icon - clicking the icon will disconnect this caller from the conference. The caller will hear "You have been kicked from this conference", followed by the disconnection of their call. The call will then also disappear from the list of active participants in the conference room.
2. Mute/Unmute Icon - clicking the icon will toggle the user from unmuted to muted state.
3. Caller id - CName information of the caller
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